Working with Horses to Improve your Life

Whether you are addressing obstacles at work, at home or at school, horses offer opportunities to re-assess yourself and your approach to personal and professional excellence and fulfillment. Connecting and communicating with horses through the body allows you to access intuition, clarity and choice, as you are tapping into potential beyond just the thinking mind.

This work primarily takes place on the ground, with the horses. Adults, teens and children can all benefit from learning with horses, and we tailor the programs accordingly. Sessions for individuals and groups are conducted in a confidential, retreat-style manner. This work complements talk therapy, yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness and physical wellbeing practices.


Facilitate a breakthrough, recovery or development process. Private sessions with horses identify core issues and blind spots creating tension and roadblocks to happiness and success. Activities with horses provide an excellent context to train new habits and shift old patterns, leverage strengths and talents, and pave the way to experience life differently.  

  • Develop your power to center under pressure and your ability to respond, not react
  • Gain insight into your patterns and habits, and uncover new possibilities
  • Practice embodied commitment and the power of presence
  • Learn to let emotions inform you, not overtake you


(+$45 – add a family member, partner or friend)

$200 – purchase of 4 or more sessions in series

Perfect for: Relationship challenges, communication breakdowns, life transitions.


Bridge the gap between school advisors and therapists with experiential learning through relationships with horses. From self-confidence to stress management, counseling with horses builds healthy coping skills and emotional regulation.


(+$45 – add riding)

Perfect for: Managing stress and overwhelm, performing under pressure, working through new and difficult social and relational challenges, and public speaking.

Horses are some of the best guidance counselors available. Without judgment or agenda, they respond to us in every moment as we truly are, uncovering the roots of our blocks and the seeds of our potential. As a trained professional coach, my job is to help people read the body language of the horses working with them in order to translate what the horse is saying about their communication or presence. We can often uncover deeper truths and get to the heart of a difficult matter in a very short time. The beauty of coaching with horses is, the next step is to develop exercises and practices to make the necessary changes in order to live differently and increase wellbeing.

  • Build trust in one’s self and others.
  • Learn to trust your intuition and inner guidance.
  • Come from a place of choice, make decisions with confidence.
  • Manage overwhelm, anxiety and fear.


Help children get a leg up on life & social skills through learning the basics of horse care and riding. Develop fundamental awareness of self and others with emphasis on listening to and appreciating the horses, and how to be assertive without being aggressive or forceful. 


(+$45 – add a sibling or friend)

Perfect for: Children facing how to “fit in,” shyness, understanding boundaries, building self-esteem, following directions AND creative thinking.


A word on the power of a group. Amplifying.

Whether you have a family group with a shared challenge, a group of friends with shared wellness interests, or a group of colleagues with a shared mission, the power of working with horses guiding the learning and growth process is amplified in the group setting. 

From team building and leadership development to soul-nourishing retreat days, contact me to design the program that fits your group needs.




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